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Biology And Description

WEB Cinctus: The White-Margined Burrower Bug

Biology and Description

Size and Appearance

WEB cinctus is a small, robust insect, measuring about 5-7 mm in length. It is characterized by its distinctive white margin around its body, which gives it the common name "white-margined burrower bug."

Habitat and Behavior

WEB cinctus is commonly found in fields and meadows, where it feeds on a variety of plants, including henbit and other weeds. It is attracted to lights and is often seen near streetlamps or other illuminated areas. On plants, it is a fast-moving insect that is usually found in large groups.

Economic Significance

While WEB cinctus does not typically cause economic damage to crops, it can become a nuisance when large numbers of nymphs move to nearby crop plants after their primary hosts, such as henbit, are terminated by herbicides or cultivation.


WEB cinctus, the white-margined burrower bug, is a common insect that plays a small but important role in the ecosystem. Its distinctive appearance and nocturnal habits make it a fascinating subject for observation and study, reminding us of the beauty and diversity of the natural world.

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